Tales of escape mine cards
Tales of escape mine cards

No dungeon again, but the arena was sponsored by Zanzer, who got his head cut off. An adventure where my friend Chris played a samurai trapped in a gladiatorial arena.He eventually got roughed up by Zanzer’s thugs and tried to play dead, but Zanzer saw through the ruse and magic missiled him to death. An adventure with a thief who didn’t go to Zanzer’s dungeon but wound up stealing from him.She-Zanzer eventually met her death when Nick disintegrated her and telekinetically dropped the ashes in the ocean to keep her from returning. Instead, he got a reincarnate spell, which brought him back as a very angry woman. The town guard found Zanzer’s body and tried to resurrect him, but there wasn’t a cleric of high enough level nearby.

tales of escape mine cards

In this campaign, Zanzer was the leader of a small town, so the adventurers had to flee from the law. Instead, an angry pair of adventurers killed him for his treachery.

tales of escape mine cards

Zanzer captured the characters with a sleep spell – or he would have if Nick didn’t notice that elves had 90% resistance to sleep spells. I ran this adventure when I introduced my friend Nick to AD&D.A fighter with 18 exceptional Strength ripped the jail door off its hinges and beat the hobgoblin jailer to death with it. The first time I ran a game in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, where I didn’t quite get what “Bend Bars/Lift Gates” was supposed to do.Just off the top of my head, a few of the variations on Zanzer’s Dungeon that my brothers, friends, and I went through include the following: If there was an evil wizard out there, it was usually Zanzer Tem. If somebody got sent to jail, they wound up in Zanzer’s dungeon. More than 20 years later, I’ve adapted Zanzer’s dungeon to multiple editions and level ranges. Yes, a party of PCs could finish him off in the group exploration of the dungeon, but his place in my personal D&D mythology had already been secured. Zanzer came back in some form just about every time I started a new campaign. You didn’t get a chance to kill Zanzer in the solo adventure, and this caused his legend to grow. He was a hobbit, damn it!) Zanzer Tem’s Legacy (I refused to write “halfling” on my first character sheet. And it gave me my first D&D character, Bulbo Bottlebottom the hobbit.

tales of escape mine cards

It had memorable characters, including the bully Axel who served as your cellmate and the haughty elven princess Adelle. But it was a lot of fun and taught the basics of the game very quickly. It had its share of plot holes – you got a fancy golden key that never unlocked anything, for instance. It didn’t always make sense – one encounter had some orcs come from a room you had just explored and which had no other entrance. The solo adventure was Escape from Zanzer’s Dungeon, which began as the evil wizard Zanzer Tem captured your character to serve as a slave in his salt mines. By the end of the solo adventure, you knew all the rules of D&D. This version of the game featured a set of Dragon Cards, which had a rule on one side and a part of a solo adventure on the other side. I say surprisingly because she was also the person whose terrible business practices led TSR to go bankrupt a few years later. The highly successful set was surprisingly the brainchild of company president Lorraine Williams. In 1992, after months of poring over my mom’s old character sheets and marveling at her hand-drawn maps, I saved up a whopping $20 and bought my first D&D boxed set, billed as “The New, Easy to Master Dungeons & Dragons Game.” In the depths of Zanzer Tem’s dungeon, my foray into the world of RPGs began.ĭ&D had seen many different basic sets since its creation in the 1970s, but the “Easy to Master” version was the first new set since 1983.

Tales of escape mine cards