Tank buster fish
Tank buster fish

tank buster fish

The fish can usuallyīe encouraged up near the water’s surface and at this time, it’s only way out isĭown towards the net.but it won’t let go. A net is just too thick along it’s frame edge. Risk of damage to the fins or the fish’s body which can result in possible If you try to get a net under them there is a high Once stuck to the glass, the fish tend to stay still or just move by This natural ability can be used to the advantage of the person who is Tactic, but generally the more compressed species are the best at sticking like They will suction onto it with all their might and refuse point-blank to let go,ĭifferent species vary in the doggedness with which they will maintain this Their best defense is the aquarium glass itself and generally

tank buster fish

Their natural ability of sticking to smooth surfaces as their primary means ofĮvading capture. Dealers normally have far barer tanks andīecause the fish are generally in those tanks for a short time they tend to use Or plants providing numerous hiding places and escape routes for these fast Not going to be easy because most decorative tanks will contain a lot of decor Must be remembered that we are dealing with living organisms and they should beĬatching these fish in a home aquarium, should one require to move them is Stress and/or damage to the fish can result in early demiseĪnd a dissatisfied customer.not something any business needs. Shop and their capture for bagging for the customer are done in a kind and Kept once they leave their shop, they can ensure that the fish’s stay in their They are a specialized fish both in habitsĪnd aquarium requirements and whilst the retailer cannot control how they are Hillstream Loaches are stocked by shops because they are available and they

tank buster fish

Will reduce stress and ultimately increase profit which is why the business Of fish a day, may have customers waiting and anything that increases efficiency In both cases this isĪn employee, or indeed the proprietor of the shop may have to catch hundreds This usually results in excessive stress for the employee,īut more importantly stress or damage to the fish. Watching the employees of various fish stores use inefficient methods forĬatching these fish. Loach since 1999 and during that time I have been continuously frustrated at I have been keeping and breeding various species of Hillstream

Tank buster fish